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Roche d'Ampsej Matteo Correggia 2005
Roero DOCG
Cena: 210
Alk: 14,50%
Kolor: cz
Nr 13442
Legenda (ocena):
8 - wybitnie, prawdziwe arcydzieło
7 - bardzo dobre, wino z dużą klasą
6 - dobre, interesujące
5 - całkiem niezłe, przyzwoite
4 - słabe
Brak gwiazdki
3 - omijać z daleka, wino z wyraźnymi wadami

Inne od Matteo Correggia:
2007 Barbera d'Alba Barbera

La Val dei Preti 2001 Piemont N..

2001 Barbera d'Alba Barbera
1999 Barbera d'Alba Barbera
Marun 1999 Barbera d'Alba Barbe..

star (2012-04-24) Ocena: 7
Jest 13 czerwca 2001 roku. Traktor nie wyjeżdża na winnicę. Nic się nie dzieje. Dzień jak codzień. Nuda. Matteo Correggia planuje kolejne zbiory, bujając się w fotelu i popijając ulubione Roche d'Ampsej. Chciałoby się. Niestety, traktor wyjechał na winnicę, wypadek się zdarzył. Tego się nie odwróci. Matteo już dla nas żadnego wina nie zrobi.

In the dreams of Matteo Correggia there is also the firm will to make Roero's wine great. There was an abandoned house in Bricco Pecetto, among the Rocche, which attracted Matteo Correggia's attention, convinced that in that place so rich in history could begin the research for his future Roero wine. The history of that bricco is dated back to 1242 and it was property of Counts Malabaila and of Roero and later of some anonymous farmers. Matteo Correggia finally succeed in buying that bricco and sees his dreams to turn into reality and therefore begins a work that will lead to the creation of one of his great wines. He decided that place should have a name and in picking one he was inspired by the word Pecetto used in that place, a dialectal term used to call pessere, that is the pine trees bordering the vineyard. He then decided to call it Ròche d'Ampsej, a lexical form perpetuated by the rural culture of that place: it was the first step towards the creation of a great wine that will have the same name.

Niewątpliwie jest to potencjalnie wielkie wino. Długi żywot przed nim. Ma na to papiery. Ma wszystko co trzeba: kwas, garbnik, materię. Musi się to wszystko jeszcze ułożyć, bo póki co to taki Winny Rambo, ewentualnie bohater filmu Bold and (yet not so) Beautiful. Wystąpiło po Masseto, wstydu nie było. Cierpliwości tylko trzeba. Poczekać przynajmniej tyle lat ile czekaliśmy na to Masseto, będzie z 17 lat. Może się upodobni? Nikt już nie powie, że jest zbyt beczkowe, beczka się z pewnością wtopi, choć może jej więcej niż w oldskulowym Masseto 1995. Ciągle je wspominam, widać, że zapadło w pamięć, ale Roche d'Ampsej to ta sama półka... na szczęście nie cenowa. Ocena może wzrosnąć... z czasem.

DiWineTaste presents.

Most of the estates now part of the Matteo Correggia Winery have been inherited by the homonymous Matteo's grandfather, who in 1935 divided with his brothers the patrimony of great grandfather Giovanni Battista. The sudden and premature death of Giovanni Correggia, happened in 1985, forced Matteo, at that time 23 years old, to take the responsibility of the farm and he then decided to further orient the business towards wine production. Fate wanted Matteo Correggia not to be with us anymore. An absurd and tragical accident happened in June 2001, while he was working in his vineyard, took away one of the most brilliant and genial wine producers. Thanks to the support and help of friends and of the ones who knew Matteo Correggia, today is his wife Ornella who continues the valuable work of his husband, by continuing to realize the projects Matteo with determination and foresight started, supported by Luca Rostagno, the young and talented wine maker Matteo wanted to work in his winery.

The asteroid 1984 EQ discovered on March 6th, 1984 by Edward Bowell in the Observatory Station of Anderson Mesa in the astronomical observatory Lowell at Flagstaff (Arizona, USA), thanks to the impulse of the friend and astronomer Vincenzo Zappalà, was named after Matteo Correggia therefore passing its name to the memory of time and humanity.

Anthos Brachetto.
Matteo’s efforts, including rigorous vine pruning and a focus on indigenous the Brachetto and Arneis grapes, enhanced the world’s image of this formerly underestimated region. Plus, in the year 2000 American scientists named an asteroid after Matteo and another asteroid after Roero. Famous indeed! @Vinoteka 13, Likus, Wrocław