
Vieilles Vignes Eparses Domaine de Belliviere 2009
Coteaux du Loir AOC
Chenin Blanc
Cena: 90
Alk: 13,50%
Kolor: b
Ocena: 7
Nr 15255

sstar (2014-11-28)
Pyszne. Morele, mirabelki, renklody. Do tego sernik, miód i herbata. Z³o¿one znaczy. W smaku pe³ne, a raczej esencjonalne, kwasowe ale bez przesady i kompletne. Oj dzieje siê!

temi (2014-11-28)
A sk±d to masz? Na ¶mietniku znalaz³e¶, ¿e miejsca pochodzenia nie ma? :P

star (2014-11-28)
Z Pary¿a, od Amerykanina w Pary¿u, nazwy sklepu nie pamiêtam ale w paryskim w±tku jest pewno. Mo¿e Derniere Goutte? PS. Gdzie tanio i dobre wino w Wa-wie kupiæ? Znajomy pyta. W cenie ok. 50 zeta dla klientów firmy.

star (2014-11-28)
Ja poradzi³em: Miel¿yñski - choæby nagrodzona w Grand Prix Magazynu Wino Valpolicella; Vini e Affini - ale jakie wino lub Enotekê Polsk± - ale ponoæ tam pustki ostatnio.

Wracaj±c do Pary¿a, to przez chwilê my¶la³em, ¿e to mo¿e Comestibles & Marchand de Vins, ale to bli¿ej Monmartre (pralinka) za¶ zakup tego loarczyka to jednak Derniere Goutte - dobrze pamiêta³em, bli¿ej dzielnicy ³aciñskiej. Za¶ bli¿ej to w ¯u¯u, ew. 101win wina tego producenta bywa³y. Ich czerwone wino kiedy¶ zosta³o przez Bieñczyka okre¶lone: "Yves Saint Laurent tañcz±cy mazura w karczmie", chyba o bukiet chodzi³o. Wyst±pi³o w wojnie francusko-w³oskiej, W³ochy wybiera³ Boñkowski.

temi (2014-11-28)
W Enotece Polskiej mieli mieæ du¿± dostawê od Di Lenardo, no ale ich asy to raczej bia³e, a zreszt± etykietki za nowoczesne na wino dla klientów ;-) Ostatnio najlepsze co pi³em w tej cenie to Dolcetto Dogliani Vigna dei Prey 2011, choæ postaæ to ono raczej nie postoi (Wino nr 15229). Ale my¶lê ¿e Valpa Lucchine to dobry strza³.

star (2014-11-28)
Lucchine co prawda nie widaæ na stronie, ale (pralinka) przy Burakowskiej warte polecenia. Dalej Enoteka Polska przy D³ugiej (pralinka) a nastêpnie StarWines (pralinka) przy Narbutta i £owickiej. W koñcu Vini e Affini, albo w Wine Corner, albo w Ale Wino przy Mokotowskiej (pralinka) takie tam typy.

temi (2014-11-28)
Jak nie ma Lucchine jak jest? Rocznik 2013 po 46 zyli. Wchodzisz wino -> W³ochy -> Veneto i znajdujesz:

star (2014-11-28)
ra? Poezjê ¶piewan± Temi przet³umaczy?

star (2014-11-28)
Mia³o byæ kontra, a przed www adresem warto spacje wstawiæ zamiast nowej linii.

temi (2014-11-29)
Przet³umaczê jak dasz zdjêcie lepsze.

star (2014-11-29)
Kliknij w nie to siê powiêkszy?

star (2014-12-10)
Louis Dressner trochê co¶ tam (pralinka) pisze w temacie:

The AOC Jasnières and Coteaux-du-Loir were, until very recently, languishing; the vines had been all but wiped-out by the intense frost of 1956, and only a handful of tenacious owners held on to their vines, usually keeping the wine they made for their personal consumption, while making a living thanks to other agricultural revenues.

Located about 30 miles north of the city of Tours, these small AOC's (37 and 48 hectares respectively) are isolated at the edges of three provinces: Maine, Anjou and Touraine. They are also the most northern viticultural areas in the west of France (in the east, only Chablis, Champagne and Alsace are further north). Fortunately, the river Loir replicates some of the micro-climactic conditions of its big sister, the Loire (watch your French: le Loir, along with la Sarthe and la Mayenne, form le Maine, a tributary of la Loire which it joins in Angers).

In the 1970s, the winemaker Joël Gigou pionneered a renewal of Jasnières and Coteaux-du-Loir as viticultural areas. Eric Nicolas, a city kid without any roots in either the region or in agriculture, developed a passion for vines and wines, and after studying oenology, he looked in the Loire to acquire vineyards, mainly because he had met several passionate winemakers there.

Eric and his wife Christine found an estate with some vines, but mostly grazing fields, trees and grains. They nurtured the existing old vines and did a lot of planting, to get to their current 14 hectares, scattered over the territory of 6 villages (hence the name of their cuvée of Coteaux-du-Loir Vieilles Vignes Éparses or Scattered Old Vines). They now use sélection massale (cuttings from old vines) rather than clones, and plant at a density of 9,300 vines per hectare. They also planted an experimental plot where the density is 40,000 vines per hectare, to observe the development of the root system and the influence of terroir on botrytized grapes (one grape per vine).

In Jasnières, only white wine from Chenin Blanc is produced. Les Rosiers is sec, a blend of all terroirs, and in favorable years, Nicolas makes a moëlleux called Discours de Tuf and a late harvest called Elixir de Tuf.

In Coteaux-du-Loir, the white cuvées are VV Éparses (the vines are 50 to 80 years old), and L’Effraie (the Owl, a denizen of the farm), made with younger vines.

For his red, called Le Rouge-Gorge (the Finch), Nicolas is partial to Pineau d’Aunis, an old local varietal of great finesse. Nicolas has also replanted small parcels of Cabernet Franc and Côt (or Malbec), which he produces two Vin de France with.


rurale (2014-12-10)
"We are a partnership of Denyse Louis, a native Burgundian, Joe Dressner and Kevin McKenna. " Troje w jednym:)


star (2014-12-10)
Trzech panów w ³ódce nie licz±c... kogo?

No dobrze, Temi nie chce t³umaczyæ, wiêc ja popróbujê. 40 km na pó³noc od Tours oraz Chateau de la Loire apelacje Jasnieres oraz Coteaux du Loir specjalizuj± siê w odmianie Chenin. Wyra¿a ona swój charakter oraz z³o¿ono¶æ pomimo kapry¶no¶ci. Na pó³nocnych obrze¿ach uprawy tej winoro¶li zakotwiczone s± od wieków na glebach gliniasto-krzemiennych i ¶wiadcz± o wielu okresach geologicznych....

Chyba nie idzie mi najlepiej, Temi please!

Wina Domaine de Belliviere:
Hommage a Louis Derre 2010 Cot..
Vieilles Vignes Eparses 2009 C..
les Rosiers 2008 Jasnieres Chen..
les Rosiers 2007 Jasnieres Chen..
l'Effraie 2007 Coteaux du Loir ..
les Rosiers 2004 Jasnieres Chen..
Hommage a Louis Derre 2003 Cote..
les Rosiers 2002 Jasnieres Che..