
Koblevo NV
Black Sea, Tiligul Estuary
Cena: 10
Alk: 9,00-12,00%
Kolor: b
Ocena: 3
Nr 14190

mkonwicki (2012-12-11)
Moje pierwsze przeterminowane wino. Nale¿a³o spo¿yæ do koñca lutego, a mamy ju¿ grudzieñ.

Koszmarne. ¦mierdzi gorzej ni¿ jabol Okêcie, który pamiêtam z czasów wczesnego liceum. Nie wiem dok³adnie jak smakuje, bardzo szybko wyplu³em. Niby bia³e, ale tak "ewoluowane", ¿e prawie czerwone, a w zasadzie buro-br±zowe. Mo¿e to jakie¶ Tawny? Nie wiem czy s³odkie w smaku, czy wytrawne, nie da³em rady, sorry... czy na Ukrainie robi± jakie¶ normalne wina? @Gdzie¶ na Ukrainie

mkonwicki (2012-12-11)
Sorry, z wra¿enia zapomnia³em o fotce.

star (2012-12-11)
Wstawi³em fotkê jako g³ówn±. Znalaz³em tak¿e stronê (pralinka) tego Kobleva, gdzie mo¿na miêdzy innymi przeczytaæ, ¿e:

Resources base of the processing plant Koblevo is about 2,500 hectares of vineyards, the best in Ukraine on culture management and processing. They are situated on the same latitude as France's Beaujolais wine region, famous for its green wine. On the one hand they are surrounded by Black Sea, on the other - the reserved Tiligul estuary, which has the status of waters of International Importance. Such an advantageous location provides ideal conditions for growing vines and ripening juicy grapes.
Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Bastardo Magarach, Chardonnay, Aligote, Riesling Rhine, Rkatsiteli, Traminer, Feteasca, green Sauvignon, Muscat Hamburg, Muscat Ottonel, Irsai Oliver, Odessa Black - all the best European grape varieties are “feeling good” here in Koblevo. Seedlings are brought here from the world famous wine regions: Italy, Germany, the Balkans ... Young vineyards are planted following the European principle - 3333 seedlings per hectare (instead of 2000 seedlings, as it was before). This approach allows to grow grapes of excellent quality, without overburdening the bush and without depleting its root system.


star (2012-12-11)
Fajne te przedzia³y alkoholu maj±. Niby ju¿ wszystko kontroluj±, a tu masz pan, panie 9-12%. Podoba mi siê odmiana Bastardo Magarach:-) No i konia nie maj±, a ci±gnik;-) Pewno dlatego s³abe winka robi±;-) A ambicje spore.

The production process on "Koblevo" is provided by modern equipment and advanced technologies. The plant is equipped with four Italian lines for processing of grapes with a general capacity 160 tons per hour, - the grapes are separated from the ridges and are crushed to produce pulp.
In wine-making there are two ways to produce wines - white and red. In the red method the pulp (juice mixed with the peel and pulp) is immediately sent to the fermentation (infusion and fermentation), and only then - to pressing. The white method differs, because the grape juice should be separated from pulp and peels as as soon as possible. This process is provided by pneumatic membrane presses (Italian brand Della Toffola). These expansive installation (the each press costs 80-90 thousand Euros) are getting a juice-drift from the juicy grapes without grinding the peel and pulp, so it allows to create an original high-quality wine.


mkonwicki (2012-12-12)
Czyli wszystko przez traktory.

star (2012-12-12)
Na pewno, bez kunia ani rusz!

mdcc (2012-12-12)
MK - a czego¶ Ty siê spodziewa³ jak na etykiecie stoi, ¿e "ordynarnie sto³owe" - to mo¿e wino pod jak±¶ nisze jest a nie produkt dla zwyk³ego pijaka :-)

Tak czy inaczej nadal uwa¿am ( w ciemno bo tego wynalazku nie pi³em) ¿e wina palmowego to i tak nie przebi³o...


star (2012-12-12)
Niech duch Emu pozostanie z nami (pralinka) aby nam po tych degustacjach palma nie odbila;-)

mkonwicki (2012-12-12)
Gdzie mu tam do palmowego...

Wina Koblevo:
NV Black Sea, Tiligul Estuary..
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NV Black Sea, Tiligul Estuary..
NV Black Sea, Tiligul Estuary..